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Mell Balment Quantum Coach and Healer
I Was A Secret EmpathPreneur

From a very young age, I never felt like I fitted in. Due to my parents financial hardships, I was severely bullied for not having the right labels, for being a sporty tom-girl, and having zero interest in being a cool-chick.

I felt like a lone-wolf.

At the age of 12 it seemed the only option was to attempt suicide! Looking back it obviously wasn't my destiny.

I desperately wanted to look like my celebrity idols and would escape into a fantasy world to cope with the attention from my sexually abusive step-father.

I was being emotionally blackmailed, so didn't think I could share with my already suffering mum. I felt completely alone.

By the time I was 15 I had found the strength to escape, which in turn made me grow up very quickly.

Into my twenties, I let men define my worth, by 'giving my body away,' I deceived myself into believing that the attention I received meant I was desired, and I was for all the wrong reasons.

Life was full of other people's agendas and expectations.

This was when I came across books such as The Secret, The Celestine Prophecy, and gurus like Tony Robbins. 

The inspiration to understand the universe and spirituality was strong, and I learned to trust it was all conspiring for me.

I discovered there were entities, other than humans, such as angels, spirits, and guides supporting me through my struggles.

Mell Balment EmpathPreneur

Fully immersing into personal-development, my mindset slowly changed and my self-worth increased. I found the courage to start to heal my distorted understanding of unconditional love.

From 2002 and with the support of my new husband (Regan 1st) I started working with energy healers. Joyfully, session by session, month by month my vibration increased and I was start to feel comfortable that my life would work out and there was a bigger reason for my life's challenges.

Throughout my thirties, backed by my ambitions and resilience, I was fearless when working with powerful leaders and their ego. All the while there was a feeling of deep dissatisfaction forming in my gut.

The promotions were frequent, my integrity and commitment was impeccable, but I never felt appreciated, even though my bosses always got their rewards… from MY ass-busting, high-achieving, work ethic! I never received my bonuses!

After the final-straw of a manipulative, constructive-dismissal from my high-paying, soul-dulling, stiletto-wearing career in 2014, I doubled down on my spiritual awakening and healing. 

I am very thankful to recognise that really I'm a...

Mindset is the nucleus of all that exists in our life

So It's The Most Important!

Every human is born with the potential to grow and evolve.

By looking at the world with an open mind, and making conscious choices to move forward in our own unique ways, we can experience significant personal growth that radiates in our outer world.

From That New Frame of Life, I Appreciated...

It was me that needed to change the way I thought.

About how I wanted to be part of society.

About how I wanted to earn a living!

It was time to embrace my uniqueness as a mindset mentor & energy healer, however it took me another 2.5 years to release this blended approach to the world.

As I continued with my own expansion I came across many healing techniques and in 2017 and adapted and created my own 'Cognitive Reframe Process'.

The more I acknowledged my spiritual gifts, the more transformative the sessions became for my clients.

Then the more I accepted those transformations, the more depth and skill I discovered. What a glorious way to earn a living by supporting others!

Quantum Specialist Mell Balment

    I was able to embody my calling as:

  • A powerful intuitive.

  • A skillful coach AND mentor with the ability to know the right questions to ask for facilitation of powerful, deep impact.

  • An empath prepared to carve a path to make it easier for others like me.

From this point I recognised the recurring self-beliefs, and understood I had the ability to guide those trying to build their life and business but couldn't see why they felt held back. 

What sets me apart from other healers is my understanding that the ego is not a tormentor, but a wounded ally in need of acceptance.

So, I chose to approach my past struggles with compassion, which brought me a new level of peace and calmness.

Instead of rejecting the emotions of my life's troubles, as I hear from other healers and coaches -

'focus on the positive, don't dwell on the past' - I welcomed it as part of my journey.

This shift allowed me to experience massive breakthroughs allowing me to then reprogram my perspectives on the world. Rather than blaming the world for my hardships, I saw it as happening FOR my own expansion.

At the same time, I read the

5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware a palliative carer, supporting terminal patients at the end of their lives, and the puzzle came together.

Her book emphasises the importance of living authentically, expressing our emotions to find happiness.

In particular I recognised these 2 common themes from my own life and those clients I'd helped in the first 3 years of coaching.

  • I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

  • I wish I had allowed myself to be happier and not let fear and negative emotions hold me back.

You may feel like you're alone in your journey to success, but you're not. There are many others who have been in your shoes and are cheering you on!

Not too long ago, I was also struggling to understand my place in the world and how to create something valuable from my unique gifts. I hesitated to share my true nature as a coach and healer.

But in 2019, I embraced my role in society and overcame my of my childhood and life's fears, including going through challenging times like chemotherapy.

In the process, as I reflected on my past experiences where I had faced hardship and located the pivotal moment when I had a choice to make, I saw the attitude and mindset I approached those challenges with. Those are the moments of resilience that I share and teach on.

The abundance, fulfillment, and success that have come from aligning with my true purpose and being authentic in my business endeavours have blown my mind. Instead of trying to figure out what to do next, I'm following the intuitive calling and seizing opportunities as they arise.

Now I support business experts with aspiring entrepreneurial clients, how to align their ambitions and achieve transformational growth.

My system explores where our fearful ego needs to be 'retrained', to work alongside the mind and ambittions, in order to accelerate personal and professional growth.

And I want you to know...

You're Not Too Sensitive, You're A Real Human Being

I'm on earth to guide empathic community leaders, high performing A-types and thought-changing humans through emotional stress to centered calmness.

I am best known for being 'that resilient chick' who faced her crap which would have most, abandoning ship and sailing off into the sunset.

In the back pocket of successful small business owners coveting my mind altering processes, I combine subconscious and spirituality with the science of epigenetics.

As a multi award-winning coach, I naturally blend my corporate, project management background and tangible output strategies with the success of living a vivacious life.

When I'm not on stage, I'm hanging out in the garden with my husband-to-be (Regan the 2nd) or fulfilling the demands of our 2 Burmese fur-babies, Safka & Zaya.

Addressing the MindWeb of the Subconscious


With the archetypes of Queen and Alchemist, combined with innate strengths as a strategist and futurist, I’ve discovered it’s only when you address the MindwebTM of your subconscious that the real magic happens... in your human experience.

Many of us like to apply logic to our humanness. This is why I combine strategic mentoring with quantum energy healing to constantly keep you on track both humanly and spiritually.

Life Transition


Uniquely I'm able to relate to and help my clients change their identity about themselves and re-write past beliefs, no matter their history.

To date I have completed over 650 MindwebTM sessions.

When I combine this tool with my empathic intuition, and my personal life experiences of child abuse, domestic violence, and cancer, you know you're going to get a super-powerful transformation yourself.

Knowledge for Self-Mastery


You don't learn how to swim or ride a bike without applying the knowledge to your body.

Likewise learning how to trust your intuition and higher-self instincts isn't from a book or course.

I share the knowledge and support you to apply, practice, adapt and fine tune the principles. Self-mastery has to be learned and applied over time.


Get Ready...
Deep Fulfilment Will Change Your Life!

We all have ‘stuff’ to work through, some from our past and some based on our future desires. 

For me, the world is filled with potential and magic.

If humans had the ability to see beyond their conscious reality, we’d be able to catch glimpses of the loving energy all around us.

I believe there are other possibilities that immeasurably surpass each and every one of our wildest imaginings. 

So I choose to tap into them and allow them to guide my subconscious callings.

This is how I've seen my own reality expand crazy fast!

Facts About Mell Balment
  • I love latin dancing (especially bachata).

  • Being a double Burmese owner (means I'm the human slave to not just 1 but 2 high-maintenance fur-babies).

  • I sleep in a separate bed from my fiancé as he’s a heavy sleeper and I’m not…

  • Working late is also my jam, so we are entirely incompatible sleeping buddies!

  • Speaking of him, weirdly my previous husband was also called Regan as well!

  • Standing my ground and speaking up for what’s right, is a responsibility I take seriously (yes I’ve had to end friendships, when views and values haven’t been calibrated).

  • Life has thrown the trifecta of challenges for me to find grace from sexual abuse, rape, and cancer! (My sister in law once said “you’re unstoppable” but I've had to practice conscious alignment to embody that statement.),

  • And perhaps the craziest thing about me is that I’ve got a fear of deep water - but have the (freaking scary) goal, to dive in one of the worlds deepest divepools and participate in the Sydney to Hobart Yacht race!

Mell Balment Quantum Coach


  • ©2021 | Mell Balment | All Rights Reserved | Legals

    Website styled by luxury branding queen Elva Li

    Images and photography by Louise Williams Photography

    Quantum Coaching, Quantum Healing, Life Coach, Mindset Coach, Leadership Coach, Coaching For Transformation, Energy Healing, Spiritual Healing Near Me, EmpathPreneurs, Empath Entrepreneurs,