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Work With Me Privately

I help entrepreneurs, small and family businesses that are on the verge of their breakthrough to understand what's blocking their success causing...

-> procrastination / avoidance
-> resistance / reluctance / resentment
-> tasks and to-do overwhelm / stress / drowning.

All resulting in you staying where you are, rather than smashing through your ceilings and goals.

I can help you to dissolve your mind blocks so you can take your business endeavours to the next level this week!

Mell Balment Quantum Healer

I've conducted over '650 Mindweb Analysis' sessions with hundreds of Empathic business owners to help them Quantum Leap their thinking and believing.

When you discover the causes of your mindset and overwhelm, you'll be amazed at the new financial opportunities coming your way! 

Trusting yourself and your calling becomes easy and your sense of fulfillment is amplified.

But I want to be truthful with you...

No amount of mindset work can completely transform your life unless you bring ALL your subconscious aspects together. 

It requires cohesion of the super-conscious Mind, Body, Spirit, Higher-Self and Ego to unleash the ultimate power of your gifts, so they are in alignment with your spiritual calling - your purpose. 

Did you know that Ego creates your fears and blocks, limiting your success? When you resolve and reframe Ego's concerns, it re-aligns your super-conscious, freeing you to become all of your human, being.

That’s when the abundance of your life begins!  

That's the additional work I support you with, that other healers don't (or won't).

If you wake up thinking or feeling any of the following,
more than once a week, Ego may be the cause of your struggle.

  • not truly believing, I'm ready to be 'this big' - imposter syndrome 'who am I to dream this?'

  • saying yes to everybody that needs your help,

  • not being able to say no when something doesn't feel right

  • feeling guilty of charging for your gifts

  • don't feel right making a comfortable living from other's suffering

  • believing 'I have to hustle to be successful'

  • going to every networking event but dreading the 'pitch'

  • thinking, 'I'll stick to being a coach, as it's easier than all this marketing stuff'

  • look to align with people that seemed successful but don't know whether your instincts about trusting them are accurate

Mell Balment Quantum Specialist

Then on the flip side, that quiet voice from higher-self is encouraging you to keep going, leaving you...

  • asking universe, 'why aren't you letting me help people'

  • wondering 'why isn't this working for me'

  • calling out from the top of Mount Glorious 'I can help you!'

  • Mell Balment Quantum Healer

    I want you to know this is perfectly common for

    Secret EmpathPreneurs!

    I felt like this for years too, until I discovered how to integrate Ego INTO my super-conscious for my ultimate success rather than believing my 'fears' were the only problem.

    Addressing this miss-informed attitude about Ego helped me:

    • get clear on how to use my gifts within my business

    • increased my confidence to show up 'as me'

    • commitment to follow through on the right actions and stick with them

    • trust in myself to know who and what to listen and respond to

    • expand my self-belief that I am a thought leader with valuable knowledge to share with the world, and

    • amplified my client attraction.


    You don't have to be limited by your blocks or
    stay stuck in your current situation.

    You can live the life you want to create based on
    your empathic gifts & sensitivities to make your impact.


    I don't want you remaining where you are - the best kept secret!

    I want you to embody your gifts so you have the confidence and self-commitment to show up and make your impact on the world - in a way that's right for you.

    If you're driven by being authentic and living your best life you can rest assured that I've invested over $350k into my own healing journey, personal and business development to live my own authentic and best life.

    My signature programs have been curated from a wide knowledge base to help YOU decide how YOU want to show up in the world.

    Incorporating Deep Belief Hacking all programs are tailored to my clients needs, budget and circumstances.

    These programs have been developed with my personal philosophy to help you with the biggest challenges I know Secret Empathpreneurs struggle with incorporated into the...


    'The Quantum Alchemy Accelerator Process'.


    Alchemy Accelerator

    Let's have a chat about what you're looking for,

    your budget and what you want to change in your life or business.

    The best way to achieve the results you desire is through private programs.

    Depending on your situation and goals, there are various programs to suit your needs.

    It's never about upselling into the 'most expensive' program for me, it's about intuitively

    matching you to what you need to achieve your ambitions.

    BOOK A 20 MIN


    Empowering Choices
    To Pursue Dreams

    Having access to Mell B ‘on-tap’ has been transformative in my personal and professional growth journey. Her blend of practical life and business advice, combined with her deep understanding of my thought patterns and limitations, has elevated my awareness and empowered me to make different choices to pursue my dreams.

    Her expertise extends beyond surface-level strategies. 

    She delves into the underlying reasons behind my thoughts and reactions, providing a comprehensive understanding of myself. Her availability when things come up is invaluable, ensuring I receive timely guidance and support when navigating challenges and seizing opportunities.

    Mell B's tailored approach and adaptability have been crucial in my journey. Her guidance equips me with the tools I need to make my own informed decisions, and confidently move forward. 

    I promise with Mell B in your back pocket, you'll have the clarity, awareness, and empowerment to make choices that creates massive momentum towards your dreams too.




    It has only been two weeks since I had the most incredible breakthrough session with Mell and I can honestly say that the growth and change in both my outlook, business, and personal life has been incredible.

    She was so insightful and supportive. I was seriously not expecting these results. Working with Mell has been a fantastic investment which has resulted in an enormous shift that I know I'm going to benefit from for years to come.

    Thanks so much, Mell for doing what you do.

    Get referral bonus either in cash or a free session with me when you refer a friend and they sign up for an Abundance Activation Session!

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    Fast free 3 part healing, video-series to clear the blocks, beliefs and sabotage of your ambitions!

    ©2021 | Mell Balment | All Rights Reserved | Legals

    Website styled by luxury branding queen Elva Li

    Images and photography y Louise Williams Photography

    Quantum Coaching, Quantum Healing, Life Coach, Mindset Coach, Leadership Coach, Coaching For Transformation, Energy Healing, Spiritual Healing Near Me, EmpathPreneurs, Empath Entrepreneurs,